Oct 2015
Revised October 2022 ~ 
By MamaDrenda



Bible 2


All while growing up, mornings were hard for me to get going—even when working in Chicago, where getting on the expressway by 6 A.M. could make a commute 40 minutes shorter. And when adding nursing babies to the mix, mornings felt like the worst. Reading His Word at night was what worked.
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"The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:5-7
Now, starting the day in God’s Word sets me off in the right frame of mind. As soon as my feet hit the floor after spending a cozy time in bed dwelling in His thoughts, I can focus on Him or get side tracked by the To-Do list and forget His focus for the day. If my younger ones happen to be early risers that climb in my bed before I get out, that can be a sweet time to have a little snuggle and hugs for happy feelings at the start of our day. There are also mornings where the drama can start right away where God’s words seem to fall right off and not seem to stick to my grumpy self-centered why-can’t-life be-perfect heart.

Thankfully, after years of being Mama, I’m learning what He’s been teaching all along. Keep coming to Him to get refreshed and not to flip out each time something doesn’t go smoothly. Having His plan for the day is best. What I’d call an inconvenient interruption, would be His divine appointments. Learning to roll with His Grace pouring out of me daily, and not my selfish attitude.
I encourage you to start your day with your Creator, it’ll be so worth it!

He’s waiting to spend one-on-one time with you.

This doesn’t mean things will go smoothly or just how you’d like… just that you’ll handle life a lot more sanely.

Mama Drenda


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