1/2 C. to 1 C. Nuts, raw: sunflower seeds, almonds, cashews, walnuts…
1 +/- C. Water, filtered
Salt (optional, to your tastes)
Start with Raw nuts.
I usually am able to find them at Trader Joe’s or my food Co-op.
Take a medium canning jar and some netting. I used screen material. With kids and dogs, we have a whole roll on hand ready for replacing our window screens. I’ve also saved citrus net packaging.
Fill the jar half way with nuts and then fill with water a couple inches +/- from the top.
Cover by securing the ring of the jar over the screen. You can also use a rubber band instead.
Soak the nuts on your counter for 7 to 24 hours, replacing the filtered water once.
Simply pour out the water through the screen and refill with cool water.
Smaller and softer nuts may only need the 7 hours to soak.
After the soak time is done, pour out all the water and turn jar upside down on a plate till all liquid is out.
Spread out nuts onto a pan, preferably a stone ( like Pampered Chef ) sprinkle with salt.
Put into oven at the lowest temp possible, 150º – 170º is best.
If your oven doesn’t go that low, you can use a wooden spoon to prop open the oven door.
Depending on the size and quantity of the nut determines the length of drying time.
Any where from a few hours to half the day. Leave the oven on for an hour then turn off with the oven door shut for an hour and repeat till nuts are dried.
I love to soak sunflower seeds for sprinkling on salads.
This adds not only flavor but protein and fat.
Your body has to have fat to break down those fat soluble vitamins in that nutritious salad.